Anne Hayes - January 9, 2018
Revelation Part4

From Series: "Revelation | Spring 2018"
Jesus is coming on this day of the month in such and such a year! How do people come up with such predictions? It is because they don’t have a clear understanding of exactly what the Word of God teaches regarding “the sign of His coming and of the end of the age.” Much of people’s understanding of prophecy has come from others, rather than from personal study of the Bible. This course will take you through Revelation and to other pertinent passages of Scripture that pertain to the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ so that you can study and learn for yourself what the Bible says about that glorious, long-awaited day. You will not discover the day, the month, or the year, but you will want to be prepared and heed Jesus’ own admonition, Be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.